The Cook

Hi!  My name is Heather and I love to cook, bake, knit, garden, take pictures, and basically enjoy any creative outlet that has to do with home making.  This is my notebook where I share some of the good stuff: recipes, pictures, and projects.

Born and raised in Montana, I enjoy life indoors and out with my wonderful hubby and our dog.  I have worked in a few of the local restaurants over the last several years, and now work at one of them as the Dessert Cheffy.  My husband works for the power company, doing construction and maintenance on the big transmission power lines.  He’s also pretty handy with some DIY home improvement, landscaping, and wood-working projects which show up on here every once in a while.

I love good food and am always busy in the kitchen.  I love that cooking and food brings family and friends together, makes for great bonding experiences and cheerful memories, and can make a house a home.  Spending time in the kitchen with family and friends, and teaching the young ones while you are at it, can be so good for the heart and soul.

Some other favorites of mine are photography, art of any kind, gardening, hiking, camping, running, playing with our dog Jackson, playing in the snow, time at the lakes, summertime, sunshine, road trips, movie nights, hot baths, good chocolate, a good magazine or book, and time with family and friends.

This blog is a way for me to journal some of my projects and pursuits, and share a few fun things as I try to keep up with them all!

Thanks for stopping by and feel free to leave comments on any posts, I’d love to hear from you!

Cheers 🙂

4 responses to “The Cook

  1. I like your site Heather – I especially love the booties and your mittens! The ladder shelve is great too!!!

    You guys are creative and ambitious so its nice to see what you come up with. I’ll look forward to additions. It would be great to see some of your wonderful desert creations too!

  2. Wow! We really do have quite a lot in common (aside from our little “thyme” blogs!) I absolutely love the hats you made for Christmas gifts- so nice! They look like they fit perfectly- will have to check into those patterns for next year!

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