Tag Archives: Christmas

Finished Knits

The last of my Christmas gift knits was just finished over the weekend.  What, did you expect me to have them all done by Christmas Day??  😉  It’s just like me to have one or two lingering gifts to finish up after the holidays.

My mom’s mitts were actually finished just in the nick of time, so she did get to open them on Christmas Day.  I made her a pair of Grammy’s Mitts to go with her Grammy’s Hat that I made for her Birthday.  She loves them!  They fit just right, not too big and bulky, but perfectly snug and warm.

I obviously love TFA‘s Grammy’s Hat pattern, as I ended up making nine of them.  Kind of crazy, but hey I always say, if it’s not broke, don’t fix it!  The pattern makes a great hat, and is just a simple and kind of a mindless knit to hurry up and do for all the family.

Soon after the holidays I finished two more Grammy’s Hats, one for my husband…

He loves it!  It’s soft, warm, comfortable, and the fit is just right.  This was made with Cascade Eco Cloud, on Ravelry here.

And one for my brother, made in Cascade Cloud but I chose colors that coordinate with his ski coat.  (Modeled by my hubby, on Ravelry here)…

I’m sure glad I’m done with all those projects.  Now, onto some cute accessories and such for moi!  =)

Happy New Year

Well, it’s the fourth day of the new year and I’ve been having some goals and such floating around in my head that I thought I’d share.  I’m looking forward to seeing what all 2012 will bring.

I haven’t really been one to make new year’s resolutions, much less make a bunch and stick with them for the entire twelve months!  I think it’s usually a good way to set oneself up for disappointment.  Some years I make a few resolutions (pretty much forgetting about them by March, or for sure by summertime) and other years I think that it’s just a silly tradition so I don’t even bother.

This year I feel kind of refreshed and motivated to make a few goals and make 2012 even better than 2011.  It’s actually a perfect time in my life where I need some goals to push me a little, or I just get too comfortable and complacent.

So I’m putting this out there for all to see, and I’ll be having someone/something holding me a little bit accountable.  There’s a few things I really want to do and some areas I want to see myself learn and grow in.  I will follow up with each one on the list, even if it’s a quick note of an update on what I’ve been doing, working on, or haven’t been working on.

I Want To, and I Will, in 2012:

1. Read more often!

  • Books- pick one and try to finish it within a month.
  • The Bible – spend more time in scripture.
  • My magazines and cookbooks that have piled up.

2. Learn, grow, and improve in something I have a love for and hobby in… Photography!  I WILL get better and keep learning.

  • Read Understanding Exposure.  Got this book for Christmas and I want to read it cover to cover.
  • Take a class.  Whether it’s this spring, summer, or next fall, credit or non-credit.  Simply to learn more and get more familiar with the technical side of the camera.
  • Post a ‘Photo of the Week’ on the blog.  This will be any image(s) that I took during the current week, sometimes even one that I used for a recent recipe/post.  It will be a picture that I like and want to share, and it can be with or without captions and explanation.  It will be one, or more, pictures that I take during the week of the post.  This will keep me looking, seeing, and searching more often, and getting more practice with my camera every week.

3. Go for long runs with my dog.  This is a pretty easy one, since it’s what I already do.  I take Jackson out for exercise about 5 days/week, but I want to be running for at least 2 of those.

4. Knit at least one item for myself each month.  I love knitting but usually don’t let myself relax and knit often enough or get real productive with it.  Much less let myself make something to keep.  It’s so easy for a knitter to want to gift their knits!  So if I must quantitate this goal, it will be to make one thing per month for moi!  This can be a big or small project, a simple hat, mitts, cowl, set of dishcloths for the kitchen, or it can be a bigger project like a sweater or shawl.  I would like one of these to be an introduction to knitting lace, or one that teaches me more about knitting cables.  At least one of these twelve knits will be a sweater!  There are several that I have bookmarked that I want to make for myself but I’m always sticking close to the quick-fix accessories and such so I never get around to them.  So by the end of the year I will have at least one cute sweater/cardigan.  And twelve new knits to wear! 🙂

5. Work more, work harder, try harder to have a better job/work/source of income.  Find a second job, or a different job, and/or make more of an effort to do the work my brother hands me to do from his business.  I’m not really happy with this aspect of my life currently, and need something more, something better!  Someday I’d love to turn one of my talents/passions into my work, be able to do what I love to do and generate some income while I’m at it.

6. Meet more people, make more friends.  It seems to me that the older you get, the harder this can be.  It’s so easy while growing up, in college, and just afterwards.  But at this point in life, seems like girls/people my age are either too busy with their babies/kids, or just settled into their life, work, marriage, etc.  And old friends move away and it’s hard to keep in touch and spend time together.  I want to meet more people, and would love to make a couple more good, genuine friends!  Maybe #5 will help with this one.  =)

7. Be more adventurous and make the most of opportunities that present themselves.

And to my friend Lauren, if you’re reading this I loved some of yours that you shared, and I’m totally snagging a few:  =)

8. Try some yoga.  Occasionally do my yoga dvd’s.

9. Explore, don’t let my petty fears take control.

10. Rock a new found confidence.  And a new pair of boots!

Thanks for those ones Lauren!  =)

I’m pretty happy with this.  It’s not too daunting or unrealistic.  There’s a couple more, but no need to ramble on and blog them.

I will report on these, and if you do visit my little online space here regularly, feel free to ask and hold me to it!

I’m off to take down the Christmas tree.

And one more little thing from Christmas, my mom got me a new big 16 qt. soup and stock pot!

Isn’t it pretty??  Thanks mom!

Gift Knitting

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas!  Now that the exciting day is over and my knits aren’t such a secret, I can finally share them with you.  Right around Thanksgiving I decided that a bunch of my family needs a nice warm and comfy hat for winter.  It all started when I made one of TFA’s Grammy’s Hats for myself…

I then had to make one for my mom’s Birthday gift, which I’m counting as part of my Christmas knitting since it was only a month beforehand, and the beginning of my hat kick…

Then I realized a couple of these would make great Christmas gifts for our niece and nephew…

While I was on a roll, how could I forget that my aunt and my cousin had put in a request for a red one and a grey one?  Being the great cousin and niece that I am, I didn’t forget, and wanted to surprise them with a little holiday cheer…

Turned out I loved that yarn, I picked up this Universal Yarn Classic Shades while on Thanksgiving vacation and it’s so soft, such a great deal, and packed with a lot of yardage.  197 yards for 8.50, and did I mention really soft?

Next I decided that my dad, brother, and husband need a new comfy hat…

And with the completion of dad’s hat, the clock ticked to Christmas Day.  So I am now working on my hubby’s, then will make my brother’s, THEN the Christmas knitting will be done!  I’m making their hats with the same yarn (different colors) as in my dad’s, Cascade Yarns Eco Cloud, and I love it!  It’s 70% undyed merino wool and 30% undyed baby alpaca, so it is really soft, comfortable, and I love the natural color.

Actually there is one more knitted gift that is missing here, and I will have to get a picture and share that later.  I made a simple but lovely pair of Grammy’s Mitts for my mom, to go with her hat of course.

I think I am Tanis‘ biggest fan of her Grammy’s Hat pattern!  It is simple and quick, but the 2×2 and 2×6 rib provide a little texture and gives you a very comfy, one-size-fits-all hat.  Perfect for gifts.

Eight and a half gifts down, one and a half to go!  And yes, I’m counting my own, because every knitter has to make a gift for their self every once in a while!  =)